Se listan papers, i.e., trabajos evaluados por pares, que son utilizados directamente dentro de Pellín y/o le dan sustento a su estructura. En caso que no tenga acceso a alguno de estos papers, enviar un e-mail.
Donoso PJ, Promis A, Loguercio G, Beltran HA, Caselli M, Chauchard LM, Cruz G, Gonzales M, Martinez G, Navarro C, Nunez P, Salas-Eljatib C, Soto DP, Vasquez-Grandon A. 2022. Silviculture of South American temperate native forests. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science 52: 2.
Salas-Eljatib C, Mehtatalo L, Gregoire TG, Soto DP, Vargas-Gaete R, 2021. Growth equations in forest research: mathematical basis and model similarities. Current Forestry Reports 7, 230-244.
Salas-Eljatib C. 2021. A new algorithm for reconstructing tree height growth with stem analysis data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 12(10): 2008-2016.
Salas-Eljatib C. 2021. An approach to quantify climate-productivity relationships: an example from a widespread Nothofagus forest. Ecological Applications 31(4): e02285.
Salas-Eljatib C. 2020. Height growth–rate at a given height: a mathematical perspective for forest productivity. Ecological Modelling 431: 109198.
Salas-Eljatib C, Weiskittel AR. 2020. On studying the patterns of individual-based tree mortality in natural forests: a modelling analysis. Forest Ecology and Management 475: 118369.
Ponce DB, Donoso PJ, Salas-Eljatib C. 2019. Índice de bosque adulto: Una herramienta para evaluar estados de desarrollo de bosques nativos de tierras bajas del centro-sur de Chile. Bosque 40(2): 235–240.
Salas-Eljatib C, Weiskittel AR. 2018. Evaluation of modelling strategies for assessing self-thinning behavior and carrying capacity. Ecology and Evolution 8(22): 10768–10779.
Salas C, Gregoire TG, Craven DJ, Gilabert H. 2016. Modelación del crecimiento de bosques: estado del arte. Bosque 37(1): 3–12.
Stage AR, and Salas C. 2007. Interactions of elevation, aspect, and slope in models of forest species composition and productivity. Forest Science 53(4): 486–492.
Salas C, LeMay V, Núñez P, Pacheco P, and Espinosa A. 2006. Spatial patterns in an old-growth Nothofagus obliqua forest in south-central Chile. Forest Ecology and Management 231(1-3): 38–46.
Salas C, and García O. 2006. Modelling height development of mature Nothofagus obliqua. Forest Ecology and Management 229(1-3): 1–6.
Salas C. 2002. Ajuste y validación de ecuaciones de volumen para un relicto del bosque de Roble-Laurel-Lingue. Bosque 23(2): 81–92.